Thursday, September 13, 2007

One day - 3 countries

I’m now on a ferry leaving Belfast to head over to Scotland where we will proceed to the Lake District of England. After visiting some terribly boring prehistoric ancient mounds we toured Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Many neighborhoods are still sharply divided between Protestant and Catholics this city, but in the main part of the city there seemed to be little conflict. Belfast had a much more religious feel than the previous cities I visited. There were Protestant churches all over the place and even a few evangelical bookstores. It was very much a college city hosting thousands of young students. We got to tour the site where the Titanic was built as well as City Hall. Then we visited some murals throughout the city – including all of the ones dedicated to George W. Bush and American foreign policy. I wish instead of wasting colorful paint on murals regarding us, those artists would instead try to fix all of the dilapidated buildings throughout the city and focus on unity in their own nation.

I am starting to notice how all of us on the trip are repeating outfits multiple days in a row and one kid supposedly only brought one pair of underwear, but I won’t type his name.


Unknown said...

The reason you won't type his name is because it is Jonathan Andersen.

Anonymous said...

p.s. ~ that was really posted by molly, but i can't get my computer to stop saying "alayna zei" b/c everything is in dutch and i can't understand how to change it. part of me wants to stay hidden behind the pseudonym of alayna, but she's just so stinkin' sweet that i can't do it.

Youssef said...

hi !!
nice to find you here :

i am not going to be in the city tom .. i am most probably going somewerte alse today .. will let you know if we stay .. would like to meet and talk .. maybe in Erlangen next time
best regards to Bergit :)
