Thursday, December 11, 2008

I am Second

I just completed a research project looking at Web 2.o for political purposes, but until now I had never given much thought about Web 2.0 for the church.

I come in contact with hundreds of websites daily, but every once in a while one really stands out. If possible, take a few minutes during lunch and check out some of the videos from the site below.

During exams and the busyness of this season, I must always remember I am Second.


Unknown said...


Jonathan Andersen said...

True, that site may not be Web 2.0 but I was just pondering the possibilities for ministry...

Unknown said...

Not saying it's not Web 2.0, but ideals of "web 2.0" include usability, mobility, portability, open source, size limitations, etc.

This is a good example of a Web 2.0 page, in my opinion or or even

CSS, XHTML, JavaScript, XML, these are the technologies that the web should be built on. Flash is great for displaying interactive content (in some cases, the only way), however, Flash-based sites are a different story.