Thursday, December 25, 2008


While at home in Conyers this Christmas I had the amazing opportunity to photograph my brother Will and his fiance Farley. They were the first couple I have photographed and they were such a joy to work with.

I'd love some feedback from friends, family, and others reading my blog regarding my first attempt at engagement photos.

Click the photo below to see their gallery

Friday, December 19, 2008

One semester remains

You may remember some of my first attempts at HDR that I did at Washington and Lee. While those were done from a single RAW file, the photographs below are my first attempts at true HDR photography.


A different angle of my favorite scene on campus looking from the library to the Chapel.
Chapel Sunrise

Belltower Moon

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I am Second

I just completed a research project looking at Web 2.o for political purposes, but until now I had never given much thought about Web 2.0 for the church.

I come in contact with hundreds of websites daily, but every once in a while one really stands out. If possible, take a few minutes during lunch and check out some of the videos from the site below.

During exams and the busyness of this season, I must always remember I am Second.